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Electrical Drive systems

Warning and Disclaimer

Important Notice for All Users:

Working on electrical drive systems in vehicles requires specialized knowledge and certification. Improper handling and repair can lead to serious injury, damage to the vehicle, or even fatal accidents. By participating in this subforum and using any information provided here:

  1. Certification Requirement: You acknowledge that only certified professionals should perform repairs or modifications on electrical drive systems. It is strongly advised to consult a certified technician before attempting any work.
  2. Personal Responsibility: You assume full responsibility for any actions you take based on the information provided in this forum. This includes, but is not limited to, any damage to your vehicle, personal injury, or harm to others.
  3. Liability Waiver: The forum administrators, moderators, and contributors are not liable for any damages, injuries, or losses resulting from the use of the information shared in this subforum.

Safety First: Always prioritize safety and consult with certified professionals when working with electrical drive systems.


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